I got sober, October 18th, 2004. Actually, it didn't happen in one day, of course. But on that day, I decided to step past an old way of being. I didn't know if I could, or even, if I really even wanted to get sober. I just knew I should. That same week, I began going to an acupuncturist, who helped me heal -- she tended to my depression -- my deep sadness and fear that made me want to drink. I would come there, sometimes twice a week, for nearly 2 years. Early on, in those first appointments, as tears flowed constantly from my eyes the minute I hit the table, I wrote this prayer in my mind. Each time I was there, it was the first place my mind went - to these words that became my life-line. It was surrender, really. And I am still, 5 years later, reciting this in my mind. Sober still, working hard to bless every day, and to bless every aspect of my health. This prayer settles me, allows me to surrender to what is most important. Gratitude.
Blessing Call for Health
Bless this body
Bless this mind
Bless this spirit
Bless this heart
Bless these muscles
Bless these bones
Bless these nerve endings,
encouraging flow
Bless this pain
I’ve carried for so many years
Bless these ever present,
Ever flowing tears
Bless the stuck places,
Releasing the fear
I am capable
I stand up
I let go
of all that is useless.
mary tinucci 2005