Monday, December 1, 2008

Earth Shattering Events

Earth-shattering events are the ones
that mark time,
(or so they say).

What about the whispers we miss,
and spirits so subtle,
we don't even know why
we shivered?

~ Mary Tinucci, 2004

Tonight, in the early night sky, there was a beautiful sight. I saw two bright stars sitting just below a bright white crescent moon. It was unusual. It felt special, exciting to me. As I drove home from work, I kept my eye on this sight. When I got home, I grabbed my partner to come take a look. She, in turn, grabbed her camera and began trying to capture it in a digital form. In the meanwhile, I googled this, and found out just, indeed, how special a sight it was. The moon, paired with Jupiter and Venus, in this constellation, won't be visible again until 2052. wow. I will be 86 years old. I wonder if I'll be alive to see it again? Will I remember back to this night, remembering the details of my excitement, my drive home, Marilou outside with her Nikon camera and long zoom lens? Will this be an event to mark time in this life of mine?

My partner did capture the sight, but in fact, played with her camera settings as an experiment, and the photo above was the outcome. As brilliant in its' unique way as the view we held with the naked eye.

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