Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 94: Bike-Tire Mandala

Bike Tire Mandala:

I have been away from my mandala-making again....too much summer fun to be had, so I have become a bit negligent to this project.  I have been out biking, enjoying my new bike (see picture below).  Very fun.  Happy spinning!

My goal is to make it to my 100th mandala by Thursday, July 23rd.  It seems an honorable number.  Now, if I can only get off of my bike for long enough each day to make some mandalas!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 93: Playful

Playful: 1. Full of fun and high spirits; frolicsome or sportive; 2. Humorous; jesting.

Today, I woke feeling tired and sore from my workout yesterday, but also feeling "light" in my mood.  Although I have to begin my day with a couple of hours of going to work, the rest of my day will be spent playing.  I might take myself for a walk around one of the city lakes or going to shop for a new bicycle. I'm sure I'll spend a good chunk of time reading my new novel on the patio. I love the leisurely nature of summer. The choice to be playful is  a more ready choice for me in the summer.  This mandala looks playful to me.  It will be my reminder to keep a playful view each day.  I wonder how I can bring a more 'playful' plan to my school year?  Onward.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 92: Asymmetry

Asymmetry: 1. Lack of balance; 2.  Absense of symmetry in spatial arrangement or in logical relations

Life is like this, for sure, although try as I might to make it logical and symmetrical.  Even when much of my life seems to be operating or set in symmetry, there is usually at least one aspect of my life that is not.  I began this mandala in sets of three, but in short order, my pattern got confused.  Soon it became a less clear pattern and sets of four.  Not what I intended, but I like it, non the less. Onward.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 91: Mosaic

Mosaic:  1. a. A picture or decorative design made by setting small colored pieces, as of stone or tile, into a surface. b. The process or art of making such pictures or designs. 2. A composite picture made of overlapping, usually aerial, photographs. 3. Something that resembles a mosaic.

If I can think of life as a mosaic, "the process/art of making designs" or the overlapping pictures/experiences that make up this life, this design, I will be in good shape.  Too often, I am missing the bigger picture and get caught up in the small pieces, the little things.  If I can remember that each of these small things is intended to create a bigger picture, an important design, daily life can be an exciting artistic process instead of a process filled with fear or tedious moments.  Onward.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 90: Wood

Wood:  a. The secondary xylem of trees and shrubs, lying beneath the bark and consisting largely of cellulose and lignin;  b. This tissue, often cut and dried especially for use as building material and fuel.

Last night, I dreamed I was drilling a hole in a piece of wood, makng something - I don't know what

I looked up what this might mean in the world of dream interpretation and I like what I found. This interpretation seemingly confirms that I am working hard to creatively shape the course of my own life. I like, too, that there is a spiritual element to this dream/gesture as well.

Dream Interpretation/dreaming of wood: To dream that you are carving or shaping a piece of wood, indicates a power-giving act or creative gesture. You are molding or shaping the course of your own life. Alternatively, the wood may also symbolize spirituality and vital energy.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 89: Become

To Become: 1. To grow or come to be; 2. To be appropriate or suitable to; 3. To be the fate of.

I like this symbol because the one segment of it (with the "t" shape) looks like a person in motion to me.  This "person" also looks supported by some other being (to its left).  

I will look to this mandala as my reminder that i don't have to be in this game of "becoming", alone.  I have support from many key people in my life.  I can reach out, just as I can reach within, as I walk in this life, becoming, and living into my fate.  Onward.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 88: Strength-Power

Strength: 1. The state, property, or quality of being strong. 2. The power to resist strain or stress; durability.3. The ability to maintain a moral or intellectual position firmly. 4Capacity or potential for effective action 5. A source of power or force.

Power1. The ability or capacity to perform or act effectively; 2. A specific capacity, faculty, or aptitude; 3. Strength or force exerted or capable of being exerted; might. 4. The ability or official capacity to exercise control; authority. 5. A person, group, or nation having great influence; 6. Forcefulness; effectiveness

As I head home from my 10 day lake vacation, I go ready to tackle a few things, both personal and professional.  I hope that I can proceed with a wise strength and power to act effectively.  I have set some important goals, and will need the strength of my will -- my decision -- to succeed.  Onward. 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 87: Change

Change: . 1. To become different or undergo alteration: 2. To undergo transformation or transition: 3. To go from one phase to another, as the moon or the seasons. 4. To make an exchange: 5. To transfer from one conveyance to another: 6. To become deeper in tone.

This symbol is the most complex of all of the Chinese symbols I have chosen to include in my mandala project, (it was hard to trace) and it is a perfect metaphor or image for how hard it is to change -- to change habits, to change behavior, to change our minds - to change - even when we really want to, even when we are really motivated.  Change is hard. 

I love the definition of number 3 above -- to go from one phase to another, as the moon or the seasons -- this definition and this mandala helps me to welcome change and all of the opportunities it brings, just like each new season.  Onward.