Monday, March 14, 2011

Floating Above

Floating (floating above)   1. a. To remain suspended within or on the surface of a fluid without sinking.  b. To be suspended in or move through space as if supported by a liquid.  2. To move from place to place, especially at random.  3. To move easily or lightly.

Again, through the simple tools of Iphoto, I was able to make this flower look like it is floating or suspended in mid-air, against the black backdrop.  Easy.  All the other extraneous business fades into the back background, and the all important beauty of the flower remains front and center. 

I wish there was a simple tool I could employ in my life, to float above..... to float above the extraneous, above the bull shit (that others, and I create), the ridiculous concerns conjured up in my mind.  I want to  keep the important things in life - the beauty - at the forefront, suspended against the dark background of the rest. 

Somehow, it is not as easy as it is in Iphoto.  But, of course, there are tools at my disposal, if I could only remember to use them.  Loving kindness, mantras, my breath, music, poetry, writing in a journal, making a mandala -- focussing on the magic of color, paying attention to the metaphors called up in this life's journey.  This week, there is much to rise above. Every day, there many things of beauty that I could appreciate, attend to, create.  Onward.

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