Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Shift Toward Gratitude

Day 2, working on shifting my focus toward all-things-grateful. 

Gratitude Today?  

I am so grateful for....

1. the good night's sleep I had last night, and for finally getting into a better sleep pattern.

2.  my friends who are joining me this week for a visit and a meal/ice tea on my sweet summer patio.

3.   my sweet patio & sweet porch!  I feel lucky and I love that I have such a nice patio and beautiful environments to enjoy.

4.  Brent, my personal trainer/physical therapist who is helping me regain my strength and get past physical pain - and that I have clarity and options for exercises that help!

5.  The sunshine today, after many clouds and storms and great weather and a chance for a river walk today!

And a bonus smile for my day...

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