Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 78: Undo Patterns

Undo:   1.  the act of untying 2. reversal of the doing of something done; 3.  canceling, annulling 4. the act of bringing to disgrace or destruction 5. the cause of ruin, disgrace, or destruction

Patterns: 1. a. A model or original used as an archetype. b. A person or thing considered worthy of imitation. 2. A plan, diagram, or model to be followed in making things: 3. A representative sample; a specimen. 4. a. An artistic or decorative design:  b. A design of natural or accidental origin;  5. A consistent, characteristic form, style, or method, as: a. A composite of traits or features characteristic of an individual or a group: b. Form and style in an artistic work or body of artistic works. 6. a. The configuration of gunshots upon a target that is used as an indication of skill in shooting. b. The distribution and spread, around a targeted region, of spent shrapnel, bomb fragments, or shot from a shotgun. 7. Enough material to make a complete garment. 8. The flight path of an aircraft about to land: 9To make, mold, or design by following a pattern.

Just as I have spent a lifetime opening and protecting and opening and protecting my heart, I have spent a lifetime trying to undo patterns that no longer serve me.  Easier said than done, of course.  The patterns somehow are the easiest path chosen, especially in times of stress, just when indeed, we need a new pattern to see our way through. I will look at this mandala as a reminder to undo the old patterns that no longer serve me.  

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