Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 85: Will-Determination-Purpose

Will:  1a. The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action; 1b. The act of exercising the will; 2a. Diligent purposefulness; 2b. Self-control; self-discipline; 3. Desire, purpose, determination, especially of one in authority: 4. Deliberate intention; 5. Free discretion; inclination or pleasure; 6. Bearing or attitude toward others; disposition.

Determination:  1. a. The act of making or arriving at a decision; 1b. The decision reached. 2. a. Firmness of purpose; resolve; 2b. A fixed intention or resolution.

Purpose: 1. The object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or a goal: 2. A result that is intended or desired; an intention; 3. resolution; 4. The matter at hand; the point at issue; 5. To intend or resolve to perform or accomplish.

I love my time at Wilderness Resort, and basically, I just love my summer.  It is my time especially, to take stock, re-group, set new goals and take action.  Last summer, this came in the form of listening to Tony Robbins daily and utilizing all I learned to tackle my physical/fitness health.  One year later, I feel so great that I achieved what I set out to do last summer.  I have become a person who exercises regularly and one who is more fit than ever before.  

This week, I am re-visiting my Tony Robbins cds on personal power and setting new goals.  This week, my goals are about my finances and about my work.  Who do I want to be in each of these arenas?  What are my new mantras that will help shape and guide my daily actions?  What is my purpose and hoped for outcome in each area? Last year, my mantra became, "I take care of my body, mind and spirit in every season, summer, fall, winter and spring".  Every action I took supported my mantra.  My mantra supported each action.  Now, I'm generating a new mantra around money and around my work.  This is all about making a decision.  I am in the process of making these decisions in these 2 key areas.  It is exciting to think about how I will feel one year from now, having achieved what I am setting out to achieve.  This year, it is a great feeling to have achieved my purpose around fitness, one year later.  Onward.

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