Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 55: Fleeting Thoughts

Fleeting:  1lasting for a markedly brief time 2. passing quickly.

Thoughts: 1. mental forms and processes  2.  the process of using your mind to consider something carefully.

I like this funky mandala, with the ink-pressed patterns of leaves, floating across the circles.  (Thanks, Carol, for bringing the new thought of ink stamps to my mandala project!) These leaves sweep across the page, like thoughts that sweep across and through my mind each day.  I'm reminded of the beautiful statement (when times are tough) that nothing lasts - it's all fleeting.  What a relief.  This idea, of course, is not so readily accepted when we want to hold onto the good times, and we want them to last.  

I'm working hard to let the whole experience of this life, the thoughts that roll through at any given moment, be simply fleeting - to let it pass through with ease, like the lightness of feather-like leaves inked across this mandala.

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