Blur: 1. To make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance; obscure. 2. To smear or stain; smudge.3. To lessen the perception of; dim: 4. To become indistinct. 5. Something that is hazy, indistinct to the sight or mind.
So much of these past 7 days has been a blur to me - indistinct, obscure, hazy, stained. What's worse, is that this 'blurriness" was a surprise to me. Things that I thought were clear to me, indeed, were not.
I'm ready for a clearer view, on many levels. It's not lost on me that for most of this past week, the clouds have loomed -- the weather matched my experiences throughout the week, and my emotions --- and yet, today, the sun shines bright. I am so grateful and ready for a clearer view and for the intensity of hurt feelings to dissipate. The haze of last week is being replaced with clarity, brighter skies and movement forward, carrying the lessons learned solidly in my pocket.
Later today, I'll bring myself back to the gift of the mandala-making process. Renew. Anew. Clarity.
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