Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 57: Acceptance

Acceptance: (for a missed day): 1.  credence: the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true; .2. adoption: the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception;  3. the state of being acceptable and accepted.

This is a sweet little rock pattern I made one time, but I don't remember where I was when I did it.  It might have been in Portland, when I was visiting my friend Diana a few  years ago.  I think we had been on a walk on Cannon Beach, or maybe it was after a hike on Mt. Hood.  Can't remember where I was -- but remember loving making this sweet little circle of stones.  

Yesterday, I missed my first mandala/blog entry since I began in late March.  It was a full and busy day, no stopping from 7:30am - 10:30pm.  Today, I will have minor surgery, and don't know how groggy I'll be later, so who knows -- I might have to miss a second blogging/mandala day.  Acceptance.  It is just how it goes sometimes, despite my best desire and effort to create a consistent and regular daily spiritual practice,such as this Mandala A Day Project.  Acceptance.  I will begin again  Just like in life.  Always a beginner. 

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