Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 56: Entrance

Entrance:  1.  something that provides access  2. to capture, attract; cause to be enamored;  3.  a movement into or inward  4. put into a trance  5. the act of entering.

While I'm not thrilled with this mandala's design, I am appreciating the word that came to me as I was creating it - Entrance.  I love this word for the feeling it gives me of being welcomed, or the feeling of having potential, hope to go somewhere.  I feel like I am on a journey, although I don't always know to where.  There are days when I don't know how to really enter into that which is most important, and instead, I get caught up in the small stuff, as they say.  

I love the definition of number 3 above, "a movement into or inward".   This is where I want to go - to enter my internal world, a place where, when I can quiet my mind enough, I  see and can honor my authentic self, again.

I also appreciate the definition of number 4 - to put into a trance.  Again, I am striving to quiet my mind, trance-like, to let go of the extraneous, to attend to the excitement of the journey inward.  This mandala-making process is something that provides me access, entrance to myself.   

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