Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 30:Protection

Protection:  1. the act of protecting or the state of being protected; preservation from injury or harm.

At the end of a hard week, this previously created mandala seems like perfect "protection" to me -- It looks like the 2 vertical rust colored lines, along with the horizontal line, are bars, or lines keeping the circle safe and apart from some external force.  I have felt the need to be emotionally self-protective this week, and appreciate the secure feeling this image provides.  

I'm grateful that I had a few mandalas in my back pocket throughout these last few days so that I could continue to reflect and blog briefly through the storm of my week.  Even simply enjoying the view of the mandala, (without the time to create a mandala) it has been a healing and reflective tool for me.  I look forward to a more emotionally peaceful weekend, when I can actually get back to the process of mandala-making and the give myself the gift and quiet energy of self-compassion. 

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