Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 19: Ideas Flow

Ideas: 1. Something, such as a thought or conception, that potentially or actually exists in the mind as a product of mental activity. 2.  A plan, scheme, or method.

Flow: 1. To move or run smoothly with unbroken continuity, as in the manner characteristic of a fluid; 2. To issue in a stream; pour forth; 3. To circulate, as the blood in the body; 4. To move with a continual shifting of the component particles; 5. To proceed steadily and easily; 6. To exhibit a smooth or graceful continuity.

I made this mandala after spending a totally enjoyable and leisurely amount of time with my friend, Laura, with whom I am going to create 4-session group offering beginning in May.  We were meeting to catch up and to begin planning for our workshop.  The general topic will be about Leadership.  The group experience will be a blend of her work in Full Thought, and my work with Think In Possibilities.

As we sat on my patio, planning, our ideas just flowed.  We were both clicking with our own ideas, and it was so fun to feel how connected our visions are, and to see how our ideas generated exciting new ideas between us.  There was an energy that was so fluid, so exciting, so right.  I am really excited to put this workshop together (and I'll keep you posted when we are ready to advertise!).

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