Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 27: Heal

Heal1. To restore to health;  2. To set right; repair: 3. To restore to spiritual wholeness. 4. To become whole and sound; return to health.

I must admit that is is the 2nd day since March 30th that I didn't do a mandala.  This mandala, in fact, was done on a day in the last month that I actually created two.  I am posting it today, so as to not have to miss a blog post - a perfect filler, reflecting the focus of my life -- healing, finding my way to wholeness.  A life-long journey, I know. 

The circle of life, moving through ups and downs, going round and round, working to understand and be my authentic self, to become visible in the best ways, to live and express my true-self.  I am working to be fully conscious, of more than the surface -- of myself, of life, of others.  

"The ultimate aim of the practices such as yoga, meditation and mandala-making is self-realization - the recovery of one's authentic Self...synonymous with the mystical experiential knowing and remembering in mind, body and soul that we are one with God. (Judith Cornell, Mandala: Luminous Symbols for Healing)

This work of healing makes me tired, sometimes.  I find myself sometimes wishing for an escape valve (which used to come in the form of alcohol or food) -- but now, without these choices, the pain (in the form of grief, or anger, or sadness, or depression or anxiety or fear) is more palpable, more real.  In these moments, these days, I return to the mandala, or to yoga, or to a good hard workout with my trainer, Tim.  In other moments, I return to the good old fashioned cry in the arms of my partner.  Through these challenges, I remind myself -- I Re- Member -- that it is worth it -- the healing process, that is. For through this healing, by re-joining myself, and "re-membering" those parts of me that are broken, that I am becoming more and more fully, myself.  The mandala helps me forge a new relationship with myself, all of the parts of me, without judgement. The mandala helps me to remember, to re-join and let myself be embraced by God.

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