Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 10: Focus

Focus:  1. the point where rays of light, heat or waves of sound come together, or from which they spread; 2. an adjustment of the focal length to make a clear image;  3.  to bring a camera into focus 4.  any center of activity/attention.

My focus these days, of course, is this mandala project.  I like how having this project rules out a lot of extraneous worry, thoughts, tasks, anxiety.  While I'm focused on doing a mandala a day, it gives me a good reason to set other things aside for a bit -- other things like work, mostly, that can absorb too much of my non-work life & mind.  Or other things like, TV, or websurfing, or Facebook frenzy.  Time spent.  Exactly.  Just spent.  While my focus has shifted to this mandala  a day project, my attention has gone internal, and I have become less distracted by those external things that hold less real value.  The process of making each mandala allows my mind to let go of other things, and rest.  Thanks, Mandalas!

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