Protection: 1. the act of protecting or the state of being protected; preservation from injury or harm.
At the end of a hard week, this previously created mandala seems like perfect "protection" to me -- It looks like the 2 vertical rust colored lines, along with the horizontal line, are bars, or lines keeping the circle safe and apart from some external force. I have felt the need to be emotionally self-protective this week, and appreciate the secure feeling this image provides.
I'm grateful that I had a few mandalas in my back pocket throughout these last few days so that I could continue to reflect and blog briefly through the storm of my week. Even simply enjoying the view of the mandala, (without the time to create a mandala) it has been a healing and reflective tool for me. I look forward to a more emotionally peaceful weekend, when I can actually get back to the process of mandala-making and the give myself the gift and quiet energy of self-compassion.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Day 29: Labyrinth
Labyrinth: 1. An intricate structure of interconnecting passages through which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze. 2. Something highly intricate or convoluted in character, composition, or construction.
I love this mandala....(again, tonight due to a long day, and other tasks that needed my attention, I didn't actually create a new mandala today). I'm using a mandala that I did on another day in the last month, but amazing, how perfect this choice is for me again.
I'm walking a labryinth right now at work, trying to find my way. It requires what feels like intricate steps, sometimes convoluted, and it feels difficult to find my way. I'm ending many things, and yet, at the same time, I already have to be planning for next year. The collision of these two realities is a challenge - how to stay present in this moment, while being as prepared as possible for the future. As I look more closely at this mandala, it makes me chuckle. There is no way in, and there is no way out. Hmmmmm. Ironic. I guess I'll just keep walking, and trust the path.
I love this mandala....(again, tonight due to a long day, and other tasks that needed my attention, I didn't actually create a new mandala today). I'm using a mandala that I did on another day in the last month, but amazing, how perfect this choice is for me again.
I'm walking a labryinth right now at work, trying to find my way. It requires what feels like intricate steps, sometimes convoluted, and it feels difficult to find my way. I'm ending many things, and yet, at the same time, I already have to be planning for next year. The collision of these two realities is a challenge - how to stay present in this moment, while being as prepared as possible for the future. As I look more closely at this mandala, it makes me chuckle. There is no way in, and there is no way out. Hmmmmm. Ironic. I guess I'll just keep walking, and trust the path.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Day 28: Crystallize
Crystallize: 1. cause to take on a definite and clear shape; 2. clear: clear up 3. make clear, free from confusion or ambiguity.
I went to Wet Paint the other day and I bought several sweet packets of children's stencils for my mandala project. Tonight, as I looked through the booklets, this one jumped out at me immediately -- I liked the distinct shapes within the circle. It suited how this week has unfolded for me, with many things becoming clear, less ambiguous. This mandala looks like a puzzle that is coming together, many parts, making their ways to wholeness. My life, again. A puzzle, becoming whole.
I went to Wet Paint the other day and I bought several sweet packets of children's stencils for my mandala project. Tonight, as I looked through the booklets, this one jumped out at me immediately -- I liked the distinct shapes within the circle. It suited how this week has unfolded for me, with many things becoming clear, less ambiguous. This mandala looks like a puzzle that is coming together, many parts, making their ways to wholeness. My life, again. A puzzle, becoming whole.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Day 27: Heal
Heal: 1. To restore to health; 2. To set right; repair: 3. To restore to spiritual wholeness. 4. To become whole and sound; return to health.
I must admit that is is the 2nd day since March 30th that I didn't do a mandala. This mandala, in fact, was done on a day in the last month that I actually created two. I am posting it today, so as to not have to miss a blog post - a perfect filler, reflecting the focus of my life -- healing, finding my way to wholeness. A life-long journey, I know.
The circle of life, moving through ups and downs, going round and round, working to understand and be my authentic self, to become visible in the best ways, to live and express my true-self. I am working to be fully conscious, of more than the surface -- of myself, of life, of others.
"The ultimate aim of the practices such as yoga, meditation and mandala-making is self-realization - the recovery of one's authentic Self...synonymous with the mystical experiential knowing and remembering in mind, body and soul that we are one with God. (Judith Cornell, Mandala: Luminous Symbols for Healing)
This work of healing makes me tired, sometimes. I find myself sometimes wishing for an escape valve (which used to come in the form of alcohol or food) -- but now, without these choices, the pain (in the form of grief, or anger, or sadness, or depression or anxiety or fear) is more palpable, more real. In these moments, these days, I return to the mandala, or to yoga, or to a good hard workout with my trainer, Tim. In other moments, I return to the good old fashioned cry in the arms of my partner. Through these challenges, I remind myself -- I Re- Member -- that it is worth it -- the healing process, that is. For through this healing, by re-joining myself, and "re-membering" those parts of me that are broken, that I am becoming more and more fully, myself. The mandala helps me forge a new relationship with myself, all of the parts of me, without judgement. The mandala helps me to remember, to re-join and let myself be embraced by God.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Day 26: Perspective
Perspective: 1. a way of regarding situations, facts& judging their relative importance 2. the proper or accurate point of view or the ability to see it objectivity;
3. the appearance of objects, buildings, etc., relative to each other, as determined by their distance from the viewer, or the effects of this distance on their appearance
4. a view over some distance in space or time; vista; prospect
I am working on keeping perspective -- on understanding my own, and honoring it, even when I hate how my world view, my perspective, and my emotions have been shaped, often by painful life experiences. I'm also working on holding space for other's perspectives as well. Not always easy, and yet, I know, essential. How does one take care of one's spirit and the very wounds that create our perspective in the first place? How do we walk in this life while not expecting others to fully comprehend our experience, our view, our perspective? The hurt, after all, is the result of our expectations -- letting go of the expectations is the ticket, I think. Easier said than done.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Day 25: Ouch
Ouch: 1. Used to express sudden pain or displeasure; 2. an exclamation of sharp sudden pain
There was a sharp emotional pain this week for me, and this seemed the visual expression of it. My heart felt upside down, confused.
I like how this visual shows my heart, although upside down, still yet, contained, protected. In challenging friendships or collegial moments, where many heart-hurts occur, this symbolic safety circle is a haven. The Mandala, these days, is my safe haven. A reminder that I always have a "place" and I am enveloped by a bigger love than I seek and/or sometimes receive, in the tangible world.
There was a sharp emotional pain this week for me, and this seemed the visual expression of it. My heart felt upside down, confused.
I like how this visual shows my heart, although upside down, still yet, contained, protected. In challenging friendships or collegial moments, where many heart-hurts occur, this symbolic safety circle is a haven. The Mandala, these days, is my safe haven. A reminder that I always have a "place" and I am enveloped by a bigger love than I seek and/or sometimes receive, in the tangible world.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Day 24: Clarity
Clarity: 1. the quality or state of being clear, lucidity 2. clearness as to perception or understanding; freedom from ambiguity.
This was the first time that I created a mandala by having chosen the word on which I wanted to focus first, before I picked up the pencils. Usually, I color, and let the word come later in the process. Interesting.
I've been grappling with some things, some decisions on which to act or not to act - it has felt muddy for me. So, as I approached this mandala, gray and black seemed the right colors.
I google searched "symbols for clarity" and found the two images (roughly) that I inserted into my mandala. One, in the left quadrant, is the chinese symbol, the other, some reference to clarity in the symbolism of magic. As I colored, I grappled, still, with many things, many ideas.
Ironically, I always name the mandala under, and to the left, with the stenciled word. I date the mandala along the right side. However, lacking clarity, by mistake, I dated it along the left side. I had turned the mandala the opposite direction as I stenciled the date. Oh well. Finally, when I took the picture of the mandala for uploading to my blog, I inadvertently and without realizing until I had uploaded the image, cut off the word "clarity". Perfect, I guess, as I am still unclear. The mandala project, once again, has captured me, and my process.
This was the first time that I created a mandala by having chosen the word on which I wanted to focus first, before I picked up the pencils. Usually, I color, and let the word come later in the process. Interesting.
I've been grappling with some things, some decisions on which to act or not to act - it has felt muddy for me. So, as I approached this mandala, gray and black seemed the right colors.
I google searched "symbols for clarity" and found the two images (roughly) that I inserted into my mandala. One, in the left quadrant, is the chinese symbol, the other, some reference to clarity in the symbolism of magic. As I colored, I grappled, still, with many things, many ideas.
Ironically, I always name the mandala under, and to the left, with the stenciled word. I date the mandala along the right side. However, lacking clarity, by mistake, I dated it along the left side. I had turned the mandala the opposite direction as I stenciled the date. Oh well. Finally, when I took the picture of the mandala for uploading to my blog, I inadvertently and without realizing until I had uploaded the image, cut off the word "clarity". Perfect, I guess, as I am still unclear. The mandala project, once again, has captured me, and my process.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Day 23: Connection
Connection: 1. the act or state of connecting; 2. something that connects, joins, or relates;a link or bond; 3. relationship or association; 4. logical sequence in thought or expression; 5. the relation of a word or phrase to its context; 6. the association or process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination; 7. a connecting shape
As I made this mandala, I was thinking about my connection to my partner. Such an important part of my life.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Day 22: Contemplation
Contemplation: 1. Thoughtful observation or study.
2. Meditation on spiritual matters, especially as a form of devotion. 3. Intention or expectation.
This mandala is one of my favorites in terms of structure or style - simple, repetitive, concentric circles. There is something mesmerizing about this process for me. I like the color choice here too, and it makes me wonder why.
I'm looking forward to my summer of independent and home-made study about color, about symbolism and about mandalas. It's hard for me right now to stay focussed on work. My mind has moved forward to summer, to this continued Mandala a Day project, and all there is to be learned via the experience.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Day 21: Thought
Thought: 1. a concept or idea 2. the act or process of thinking, reflection, deliberation; 3. philosophical or intellectual ideas typical of a particular time or place; 4. mental attention, consideration; 5. purpose or intention; 6. expectation.
Yesterday, the ever-present therapist helped me re-frame some of my negative thoughts that have consumed me lately - - some thoughts that I'd rather not have, some thoughts that get in my way of peaceful days. She said something to this effect: "They're just thoughts - we have a million thoughts a day, but you don't have to give each and all of them the attention they demand".
This was so useful to me. It offered me an immediate shift, an escape route where it has felt like there was none. It's just a thought. Move on.
Yesterday, the ever-present therapist helped me re-frame some of my negative thoughts that have consumed me lately - - some thoughts that I'd rather not have, some thoughts that get in my way of peaceful days. She said something to this effect: "They're just thoughts - we have a million thoughts a day, but you don't have to give each and all of them the attention they demand".
This was so useful to me. It offered me an immediate shift, an escape route where it has felt like there was none. It's just a thought. Move on.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Day 20: Order
Order: 1. A condition of logical or comprehensible arrangement among the separate elements of a group.
2. A condition or state of methodical, prescribed arrangement among component parts such that proper functioning or appearance is achieved; 3. a. The established system of social organization: b. A condition in which freedom from disorder or disruption is maintained through respect for established authority; 4. A sequence or arrangement of successive things; 5. The prescribed form or customary procedure.
As the end of the school year approaches, and we work to complete our final three Enrichment programs, and our special Jackson Elementary project, I am obsessed with the details -- keeping things moving, planning the details, providing order. This mandala is my representation of trying to feel "internal order" as we execute all that is needed to create external order.
Tick Tock -- One month from today, and all of these events will be DONE! Wish us luck.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Day 19: Ideas Flow
Ideas: 1. Something, such as a thought or conception, that potentially or actually exists in the mind as a product of mental activity. 2. A plan, scheme, or method.
Flow: 1. To move or run smoothly with unbroken continuity, as in the manner characteristic of a fluid; 2. To issue in a stream; pour forth; 3. To circulate, as the blood in the body; 4. To move with a continual shifting of the component particles; 5. To proceed steadily and easily; 6. To exhibit a smooth or graceful continuity.
I made this mandala after spending a totally enjoyable and leisurely amount of time with my friend, Laura, with whom I am going to create 4-session group offering beginning in May. We were meeting to catch up and to begin planning for our workshop. The general topic will be about Leadership. The group experience will be a blend of her work in Full Thought, and my work with Think In Possibilities.
As we sat on my patio, planning, our ideas just flowed. We were both clicking with our own ideas, and it was so fun to feel how connected our visions are, and to see how our ideas generated exciting new ideas between us. There was an energy that was so fluid, so exciting, so right. I am really excited to put this workshop together (and I'll keep you posted when we are ready to advertise!).
Flow: 1. To move or run smoothly with unbroken continuity, as in the manner characteristic of a fluid; 2. To issue in a stream; pour forth; 3. To circulate, as the blood in the body; 4. To move with a continual shifting of the component particles; 5. To proceed steadily and easily; 6. To exhibit a smooth or graceful continuity.
I made this mandala after spending a totally enjoyable and leisurely amount of time with my friend, Laura, with whom I am going to create 4-session group offering beginning in May. We were meeting to catch up and to begin planning for our workshop. The general topic will be about Leadership. The group experience will be a blend of her work in Full Thought, and my work with Think In Possibilities.
As we sat on my patio, planning, our ideas just flowed. We were both clicking with our own ideas, and it was so fun to feel how connected our visions are, and to see how our ideas generated exciting new ideas between us. There was an energy that was so fluid, so exciting, so right. I am really excited to put this workshop together (and I'll keep you posted when we are ready to advertise!).
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Day 18: Letting Go
Letting Go: 1. To cease to employ; dismiss; 2. Allowing things to exist as if they were in the palm of your hand.
Aum: (OM) n. Hinduism & Buddhism -
The supreme and most sacred syllable, consisting in Sanskrit of the three sounds (a), (u), and (m), representing various fundamental triads and believed to be the spoken essence of the universe. It is uttered as a mantra and in affirmations and blessings.
Aum: (OM) n. Hinduism & Buddhism -
The supreme and most sacred syllable, consisting in Sanskrit of the three sounds (a), (u), and (m), representing various fundamental triads and believed to be the spoken essence of the universe. It is uttered as a mantra and in affirmations and blessings.
I created this mandala as I was working to let go of all of the "planning and preparing mind" I had been in all week, getting ready to present at a workshop on Friday. My mind was still spinning with the details of the workshop, and frankly, with the judgement about how well I did (or didn't do) in delivering my material.
The making of this mandala was my chance to pro-actively let go of what was done and over with, to release my mind from the details of the workshop and to bless and affirm my effort. The symbol in the center of the circle is defined above.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Day 17: Sacred Circle
Sacred: 1. Made or declared holy; 2. Dedicated or devoted exclusively to a single use, purpose, or person;
3. Worthy of respect; venerable.
Circle: 1. A group of people sharing an interest, activity, or achievement.
I created this mandala as I was preparing to make a presentation at a Group Work institute for social workers at St. Kates.
“Everyone in the circle is equal… No one’s voice is more important than anyone else’s… Everyone in the circle is a teacher… Everyone in the circle is a student… Everyone has his or her turn to speak… When one is speaking, all others listen… The circle is sacred and special.”
This is a statement (from the San Francisco's Writer's Corps), that we use at The Lab in our youth writing circles, called The Poetry Lab. Read more about The Poetry Lab here:
I have always loved the messages in this simple and straight forward statement.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Day 16: Summer
Summer: 1. The usually warmest season of the year, occurring between spring and autumn and constituting June, July, and August in the Northern Hemisphere, or, as calculated astronomically, extending from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox. 2. A period of fruition, fulfillment, happiness, or beauty.
Need I say more??? I think not.
Need I say more??? I think not.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Day 15: Imagine
I am forming a mental picture of's all I can think about. Imagine! Summer has already begun here in St. Paul. Since March 27th, it has been generally 50 - 70 degrees already every day!
I am imagining how my days will unfold when school lets out. Breakfast on the patio. The morning paper. A mandala a day project, completed outside daily on my patio. (My patio is my haven, my little slice of heaven). The 3 big dogs will be lounging, from shady spots to sunny spots and back again. I am imagining where the potted flower pots will be, and what will be in them (my version of gardening). I'm imagining hearing the loud neighborhood cardinal, sing his song.
I'm imagining my exercise freedom, working out with my trainer, Tim; Yoga as daily as possible; walks with the dogs; lifting weights and riding my bike. I'm imagining good and healthy food, that somehow, is easier in the summer to consume.
I'm imagining summer fun, up at the lake, for 10 days in June, for some days in July, and for a week in August. I'm imagining the new red sit-up-on orange kayak that I'm going to buy for up north. I'm imagining our trip to Bimini in the Bahamas, swimming with the dolphins! Summer. I'm imagining.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Day 14: Spinning
Spinning: 1. revolving quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis; 2. making up a story; 3. a swift whirling motion 4. spin - the act of rotating rapidly.
Indeed, my head was spinning as I sat down to create this mandala. Work, Work, Work.....To do....To do.... To do....lists rolling through my mind. I am trying to get many puzzle pieces and logistics to fit together at The Lab for spring, and today, I felt as though I was moving through my day fighting centrifugal force. A dozen things to do, calls to make, emails to send, calendars to plan etc...
The mandala and the mandala-making process brings me back, centers me. Even for the 20 minutes I spent creating this, my mind slowed, and became less scattered with the tasks on my list. Instead, my thoughts became stream-lined, manageable. Certainly, I love the "spin" the mandala allows me to put on my life.
Indeed, my head was spinning as I sat down to create this mandala. Work, Work, Work.....To do....To do.... To do....lists rolling through my mind. I am trying to get many puzzle pieces and logistics to fit together at The Lab for spring, and today, I felt as though I was moving through my day fighting centrifugal force. A dozen things to do, calls to make, emails to send, calendars to plan etc...
The mandala and the mandala-making process brings me back, centers me. Even for the 20 minutes I spent creating this, my mind slowed, and became less scattered with the tasks on my list. Instead, my thoughts became stream-lined, manageable. Certainly, I love the "spin" the mandala allows me to put on my life.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Day 13: Coming into Her Own
Coming into her Own: 1. To get possession of what belongs to one. 2. To obtain rightful recognition or prosperity
As I worked on this mandala, I liked how I placed the butterfly at the bottom of the mandala, with a clear direction upward. I played with the muted color around the edge of the circle, placing brighter colors within the butterfly. I wanted to convey that this butterfly was going somewhere, directionally, and growing into something, with its own emerging color. I, again, was thinking about work, my job at The LAB (
I live my life (and maybe many of us do), in increments. Always, seemingly, planning to move through a given season, or stage, or period of time. Especially as a school employee, I see the world in semesters, or holidays, or summer vacation. The beauty of this work/rhythm is that I have the luxury to have many opportunities to end and begin again. Over and over again, I get a chance to grow into myself, in my work, into my leadership role, and into my vision. I get a chance to spread my wings in new ways, seeing how I can challenge my own boundaries about who I am, and who and how I want to be in my job, who I want to be as a leader.
This butterfly (aka, ME!) is in a spring season, ending a semester, and is growing into the most joyful season of summer. I feel my color coming back, and the weight of worry and muted colors dissipating, making room for the bright, light, colorful time of freedom. SUMMER!
As I worked on this mandala, I liked how I placed the butterfly at the bottom of the mandala, with a clear direction upward. I played with the muted color around the edge of the circle, placing brighter colors within the butterfly. I wanted to convey that this butterfly was going somewhere, directionally, and growing into something, with its own emerging color. I, again, was thinking about work, my job at The LAB (
I live my life (and maybe many of us do), in increments. Always, seemingly, planning to move through a given season, or stage, or period of time. Especially as a school employee, I see the world in semesters, or holidays, or summer vacation. The beauty of this work/rhythm is that I have the luxury to have many opportunities to end and begin again. Over and over again, I get a chance to grow into myself, in my work, into my leadership role, and into my vision. I get a chance to spread my wings in new ways, seeing how I can challenge my own boundaries about who I am, and who and how I want to be in my job, who I want to be as a leader.
This butterfly (aka, ME!) is in a spring season, ending a semester, and is growing into the most joyful season of summer. I feel my color coming back, and the weight of worry and muted colors dissipating, making room for the bright, light, colorful time of freedom. SUMMER!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Day 12: Reach
Reach: 1. To stretch out or put forth; to extend; 2. To touch or grasp by stretching out/extending; 3. To arrive at; to attain 4 a. To succeed in getting in contact with b. To succeed, having an effect on.
I loved making this mandala. I experimented with a low level of pointillism, eventually merging the green and purple dots from below, into one area above.
I feel like I am reaching right now (likely always) to move through to the next thing on my work plate. Now, I'm reaching for spring, for May 20th, when all of our student services will be done for the school year. Simultaneous to this "end of the school year work reality", of course, is reaching for spring, for summer, for time off, for vacation.
I like the contained feeling of this mandala, holding steady the last push, the last reach toward the end of the school year. It feels do-able, possible, and within reach.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Day 11: Uncertain
Uncertain: 1. lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance; "uncertain of her convictions"; "unsure of herself and her future"; 2. not established beyond doubt; still undecided or unknown; "an uncertain future"; "a manuscript of uncertain origin"; 3. changeable: subject to change; "a changeable climate";
As I worked on this mandala, I fell quickly in love with the frame I created, first with the violet circle, then, the red tips that circled around the outside edge. It looked so satisfying to me, so solid, so crisp. For the first time, I experimented with a bit of shading and gradation in the red. I liked it.
But, immediately, I was paralyzed as to how to move forward. "What next? Could I leave it as is, so plain, and without color within the circle?" I was definitely un-certain. I didn't want to wreck what felt so good to me. I didn't want to risk screwing it up. At the same time, I felt compelled to add more color. I believed that somehow, it was more important to complete the inside of the circle, either with shapes or color, than to leave it so pristine and white in the center. I proceeded, and immediately regretted it. I don't like this outcome, but I can live with it.
This whole thing is an experiment. I have done very little reading about Mandalas so far, as I have not had a ton of free time to really start studying. I know there aren't any "right" answers, per se. But, I'm guessing there are some decent guidelines that I could benefit from knowing. I'm anxious to learn about color, their meaning, and how pairing colors has a certain effect. I'm excited to explore the many symbols and symbolism within the world of mandalas. But, at this point, I remain uncertain about how to proceed in this world of mandalas. But, still, I step forward and risk making a mistake (or at least an aesthetic mistake in my view). Still, I proceed. The risk of NOT proceeding is its own loss. Onward.
As I worked on this mandala, I fell quickly in love with the frame I created, first with the violet circle, then, the red tips that circled around the outside edge. It looked so satisfying to me, so solid, so crisp. For the first time, I experimented with a bit of shading and gradation in the red. I liked it.
But, immediately, I was paralyzed as to how to move forward. "What next? Could I leave it as is, so plain, and without color within the circle?" I was definitely un-certain. I didn't want to wreck what felt so good to me. I didn't want to risk screwing it up. At the same time, I felt compelled to add more color. I believed that somehow, it was more important to complete the inside of the circle, either with shapes or color, than to leave it so pristine and white in the center. I proceeded, and immediately regretted it. I don't like this outcome, but I can live with it.
This whole thing is an experiment. I have done very little reading about Mandalas so far, as I have not had a ton of free time to really start studying. I know there aren't any "right" answers, per se. But, I'm guessing there are some decent guidelines that I could benefit from knowing. I'm anxious to learn about color, their meaning, and how pairing colors has a certain effect. I'm excited to explore the many symbols and symbolism within the world of mandalas. But, at this point, I remain uncertain about how to proceed in this world of mandalas. But, still, I step forward and risk making a mistake (or at least an aesthetic mistake in my view). Still, I proceed. The risk of NOT proceeding is its own loss. Onward.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Day 10: Focus
Focus: 1. the point where rays of light, heat or waves of sound come together, or from which they spread; 2. an adjustment of the focal length to make a clear image; 3. to bring a camera into focus 4. any center of activity/attention.
My focus these days, of course, is this mandala project. I like how having this project rules out a lot of extraneous worry, thoughts, tasks, anxiety. While I'm focused on doing a mandala a day, it gives me a good reason to set other things aside for a bit -- other things like work, mostly, that can absorb too much of my non-work life & mind. Or other things like, TV, or websurfing, or Facebook frenzy. Time spent. Exactly. Just spent. While my focus has shifted to this mandala a day project, my attention has gone internal, and I have become less distracted by those external things that hold less real value. The process of making each mandala allows my mind to let go of other things, and rest. Thanks, Mandalas!
My focus these days, of course, is this mandala project. I like how having this project rules out a lot of extraneous worry, thoughts, tasks, anxiety. While I'm focused on doing a mandala a day, it gives me a good reason to set other things aside for a bit -- other things like work, mostly, that can absorb too much of my non-work life & mind. Or other things like, TV, or websurfing, or Facebook frenzy. Time spent. Exactly. Just spent. While my focus has shifted to this mandala a day project, my attention has gone internal, and I have become less distracted by those external things that hold less real value. The process of making each mandala allows my mind to let go of other things, and rest. Thanks, Mandalas!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Day 9: Sleepy
Sleepy: 1. A natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close & consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli. During sleep the brain in humans and other mammals undergoes a characteristic cycle of brain-wave activity that includes intervals of dreaming. 2. A period of this form of rest. 3. A state of inactivity resembling or suggesting sleep; unconsciousness, dormancy, hibernation
That definition cracks me up. Quite a serious effort to explain what it means to be sleepy, eh? I don't have much more to say, other than I was very sleepy as I created this mandala. Sleepy, but committed and determined to create a mandala, even when I just wanted to go to bed. Mandala, Day 9 - Mission accomplished.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Day 8: Medicine Wheel
I love how simple this mandala feels. Peaceful.
In this blog, my process is as follows: 1. I create my mandala. 2. I wait for a word or two to emerge as I color. 3. I do a basic and quick google definition search for the words that emerged & I usually go with the first definition or information I see. 4. I journal here, offering my own connection, view in relation to the image, the process, the definition/words.
Today, I have included the full paragraph below of what I found when I searched "Medicine Wheel". It suits my heart quite nicely. This mandala is my reminder of the quote toward the end of this commentary: "As you think, so it is". So, this mandala is to ask myself, "How do/will I think, today?" "Do I have the courage to really look and see what is mirrored back to me today?"
Medicine Wheel: * from:
The Medicine Wheel has been adopted by most First Nations people as a universal symbol of healing, interconnectedness and a holistic foundation of peaceful interaction and personal growth. The teachings mirror your life and it sometimes requires courage to look and really see what is being reflected back to you because some experiences are painful, while others joyful and reflective. However, it is ultimately facing it all that makes you a stronger and better person. In the tribes, my Ancestors were encouraged to think and walk in a positive way, for if they were angry, remorseful, and bitter, their earth walk would reflect that negativity. Traditional Hawaiian’s have a saying, "As you think so it is." In other words, if you believe that you are a worthy person, then you are. If you believe that you do not matter in the Universe, then you won’t. Greet every day with sacred honour songs and prayers because life is a fleeting thing.
In this blog, my process is as follows: 1. I create my mandala. 2. I wait for a word or two to emerge as I color. 3. I do a basic and quick google definition search for the words that emerged & I usually go with the first definition or information I see. 4. I journal here, offering my own connection, view in relation to the image, the process, the definition/words.
Today, I have included the full paragraph below of what I found when I searched "Medicine Wheel". It suits my heart quite nicely. This mandala is my reminder of the quote toward the end of this commentary: "As you think, so it is". So, this mandala is to ask myself, "How do/will I think, today?" "Do I have the courage to really look and see what is mirrored back to me today?"
Medicine Wheel: * from:
The Medicine Wheel has been adopted by most First Nations people as a universal symbol of healing, interconnectedness and a holistic foundation of peaceful interaction and personal growth. The teachings mirror your life and it sometimes requires courage to look and really see what is being reflected back to you because some experiences are painful, while others joyful and reflective. However, it is ultimately facing it all that makes you a stronger and better person. In the tribes, my Ancestors were encouraged to think and walk in a positive way, for if they were angry, remorseful, and bitter, their earth walk would reflect that negativity. Traditional Hawaiian’s have a saying, "As you think so it is." In other words, if you believe that you are a worthy person, then you are. If you believe that you do not matter in the Universe, then you won’t. Greet every day with sacred honour songs and prayers because life is a fleeting thing.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Day 7: Experiment gone Awry!
Experiment: 1. to operate by test or trial 2. an act or operation undertaken in order to discover some unknown principle or effect
Awry: 1. in a turned or twisted position or direction; 2. off the correct or expected course
So, it seemed to me, that at some point, the experiment of this particular mandala went awry. I don't like this one -- at all. It did not take the expected course. But, I remembered, after all, - this is an experiment. The "What if" game. As in, "What if I add new shapes, beyond the circle? What if use only 2 colors?" In this case, it might bring a sense of pleasure to someone else, even if not myself. This experiment brought me back to what I'm beginning to expect as my "mandala -a-day reminder".
Again, the Mandala a Day project reminds me of the notion of having a curious mind as my days unfold. Instead of waking to plan my day, step by step (in a clear effort to feel that illusion of control) -- what if I ask myself, "hmm. I wonder what today will bring? I wonder if I'll meet anyone new? I wonder what surprises are in store for me today? I wonder whose day I can make easier or happier?"
This mandala will be my reminder to make each day an experiment in carrying my sense of curiosity first, and give my worries a vacation.
Awry: 1. in a turned or twisted position or direction; 2. off the correct or expected course
So, it seemed to me, that at some point, the experiment of this particular mandala went awry. I don't like this one -- at all. It did not take the expected course. But, I remembered, after all, - this is an experiment. The "What if" game. As in, "What if I add new shapes, beyond the circle? What if use only 2 colors?" In this case, it might bring a sense of pleasure to someone else, even if not myself. This experiment brought me back to what I'm beginning to expect as my "mandala -a-day reminder".
Again, the Mandala a Day project reminds me of the notion of having a curious mind as my days unfold. Instead of waking to plan my day, step by step (in a clear effort to feel that illusion of control) -- what if I ask myself, "hmm. I wonder what today will bring? I wonder if I'll meet anyone new? I wonder what surprises are in store for me today? I wonder whose day I can make easier or happier?"
This mandala will be my reminder to make each day an experiment in carrying my sense of curiosity first, and give my worries a vacation.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Day 6: Unpredictable Intersections
Unpredictable: difficult or impossible to forsee
Intersections: 1. a point at which things intersect 2. the act, process or result of intersections
I had a Plan for this mandala -- much like I have a plan for my work, and/or my life. And just like the unpredictable intersections that continually emerge in my work and in my life, so too, was it so with this mandala.
I had planned for something quite symmetrical, orderly, even. Instead, as I plodded my color course, the unpredictable occurred. The order in which I had planned to use the colors couldn't work. Instead, unexpected intersections of color and lines and circles created this outcome, which I like very much.
This mandala is providing a needed message to me - to stay open to the unpredictable, and to all of the good that can come from the unexpected. It is reminding me to create many intersections in my life -- to step out of my routine, my regular order of things, and allow a new and surprising picture that emerges as a result, to come forth.
Intersections: 1. a point at which things intersect 2. the act, process or result of intersections
I had a Plan for this mandala -- much like I have a plan for my work, and/or my life. And just like the unpredictable intersections that continually emerge in my work and in my life, so too, was it so with this mandala.
I had planned for something quite symmetrical, orderly, even. Instead, as I plodded my color course, the unpredictable occurred. The order in which I had planned to use the colors couldn't work. Instead, unexpected intersections of color and lines and circles created this outcome, which I like very much.
This mandala is providing a needed message to me - to stay open to the unpredictable, and to all of the good that can come from the unexpected. It is reminding me to create many intersections in my life -- to step out of my routine, my regular order of things, and allow a new and surprising picture that emerges as a result, to come forth.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Day 5: Bold & Blend
Bold: 1. Fearless, daring, courageous 2. Clear and distinct to the eye
Blend: 1. To mix smoothly together 2. To mix in order to obtain a particular quality
As this mandala emerged, work came to mind. Then, the notions and words of Bold and Blend came. Even as I find my way in six years at The Lab, from a place of vision, to places on the journey of creation, evolution, re-creation, allowing the program to grow into itself, even beyond my wildest dreams, there are days and stretches of time where I hesitate, and fear takes over.
I love this mandalas reminder to me to remain clear, to let the program's fundamental vision and mission to remain distinct to the eye. This boldly colored mandala is my encouragement to continue on this path with courage and my daring spirit - daring to hold my vision out front and trust myself enough to lead.
As I wind up this year at The Lab at Homecroft, I will carry this mandala in my mind's eye and walk boldly forward.
Blend: 1. To mix smoothly together 2. To mix in order to obtain a particular quality
As this mandala emerged, work came to mind. Then, the notions and words of Bold and Blend came. Even as I find my way in six years at The Lab, from a place of vision, to places on the journey of creation, evolution, re-creation, allowing the program to grow into itself, even beyond my wildest dreams, there are days and stretches of time where I hesitate, and fear takes over.
I love this mandalas reminder to me to remain clear, to let the program's fundamental vision and mission to remain distinct to the eye. This boldly colored mandala is my encouragement to continue on this path with courage and my daring spirit - daring to hold my vision out front and trust myself enough to lead.
As I wind up this year at The Lab at Homecroft, I will carry this mandala in my mind's eye and walk boldly forward.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Day 4: Re-Commit
Re-commit: 1. to commit again 2. to entrust, to hand over, as for safe keeping 3. to give entirely to a specific cause.
I am re-committing to my health and fitness. I use to see this notion as such a bad thing - that I must once again, re-commit, specifically, because I had fallen off the wagon on any given thing (ie. exercise, eating right, writing regularly etc).
Somehow, at yoga last night (where I struggled and suffered mightily to get through the class), it came to me - What if I could see the need and ability to start over and to re-commit to my exercise, fitness & food as an opportunity for which to be grateful, as in...
"Aren't I lucky that indeed, I CAN re-commit & begin again. Isn't it great that I'm not relegated to my failures, but rather, I'm given the gift (as often as necessary) to start over?"
What a Relief. Here I go again! Onward. Re-direct, restore, re-energize, decide, choose, act, renew, balance, moderation, begin again, find the middle, center. Re-Commit.
I am re-committing to my health and fitness. I use to see this notion as such a bad thing - that I must once again, re-commit, specifically, because I had fallen off the wagon on any given thing (ie. exercise, eating right, writing regularly etc).
Somehow, at yoga last night (where I struggled and suffered mightily to get through the class), it came to me - What if I could see the need and ability to start over and to re-commit to my exercise, fitness & food as an opportunity for which to be grateful, as in...
"Aren't I lucky that indeed, I CAN re-commit & begin again. Isn't it great that I'm not relegated to my failures, but rather, I'm given the gift (as often as necessary) to start over?"
What a Relief. Here I go again! Onward. Re-direct, restore, re-energize, decide, choose, act, renew, balance, moderation, begin again, find the middle, center. Re-Commit.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Day 3: Containment
Containment: 1. The act, process or means of containing. 2. The policy, process or result of preventing the expansion of a hostile power or ideology.
This whole Mandala a Day project emerged out of a need for containment. The need to contain the power I have to turn a hostile firing squad on my own heart. My mind can too easily and frequently go in a negative direction, turning on myself. The word "containment" emerged as I created this mandala. I don't challenge or disregard the first words that come to me as I color these circles. This mandala, with it's paired word "containment", is my psyche imploring me to reign in and contain negativity and in fact, to expand that which is positive, that which is health, that which gives life, to myself and others.
I will use this mandala to contain and prevent the expansion of that which is hostile, of that which holds me back, of that which paralyzes me and my creative abilities to thrive. This mandala will be a reminder of my ability to do more than survive.
This whole Mandala a Day project emerged out of a need for containment. The need to contain the power I have to turn a hostile firing squad on my own heart. My mind can too easily and frequently go in a negative direction, turning on myself. The word "containment" emerged as I created this mandala. I don't challenge or disregard the first words that come to me as I color these circles. This mandala, with it's paired word "containment", is my psyche imploring me to reign in and contain negativity and in fact, to expand that which is positive, that which is health, that which gives life, to myself and others.
I will use this mandala to contain and prevent the expansion of that which is hostile, of that which holds me back, of that which paralyzes me and my creative abilities to thrive. This mandala will be a reminder of my ability to do more than survive.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Day 2: Imperfection
Imperfection: The state of being imperfect. Defective.
Ouch. Harsh.
As I worked on this mandala, it quickly evolved with imperfect circles. The cardboard toilet paper roll I was using to draw the small circles bent unexpectedly and moved as I pressed the colored pencil against the side of it. Circles looked a bit more oblong, than circular. "Oh well", I thought. "Imperfect".
"Oh well?" What an unusual answer for me. More likely and often, I'm hard on myself, harsh with my self-talk. Recently, as I lamented some work struggles to the ever present therapist, she exclaimed at one point in the session, "And so what if you are not an A+++++ at everything you do? So What?
In yoga, and with this mandala project, I easily allow for the beauty and surprise that emerges from the unexpected, from the mistake, from the imperfect moment. Can I learn to allow for this same freedom and kind self-talk as this spring unfolds in my work life, with all the undoubted unexpected situations and imperfections that will occur?
I accept this mandala's message and encouragement to bring my welcoming and kind self-talk present in this daily activity, into my daily life at work. Onward!
Imperfection: The state of being imperfect. Defective.
Ouch. Harsh.
As I worked on this mandala, it quickly evolved with imperfect circles. The cardboard toilet paper roll I was using to draw the small circles bent unexpectedly and moved as I pressed the colored pencil against the side of it. Circles looked a bit more oblong, than circular. "Oh well", I thought. "Imperfect".
"Oh well?" What an unusual answer for me. More likely and often, I'm hard on myself, harsh with my self-talk. Recently, as I lamented some work struggles to the ever present therapist, she exclaimed at one point in the session, "And so what if you are not an A+++++ at everything you do? So What?
In yoga, and with this mandala project, I easily allow for the beauty and surprise that emerges from the unexpected, from the mistake, from the imperfect moment. Can I learn to allow for this same freedom and kind self-talk as this spring unfolds in my work life, with all the undoubted unexpected situations and imperfections that will occur?
I accept this mandala's message and encouragement to bring my welcoming and kind self-talk present in this daily activity, into my daily life at work. Onward!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Day 1: Kaleidoscope
As this first mandala emerged on the blank page, the word Kaleidoscope came to mind. Even while I fought the typical urges of self-criticism and judgement and the negative self-talk of "I can't", or "I'm not good at this", "I'm not artistic", I still held a sense of playfulness. I thought of the fun I had with kaleidoscopes as a child. Such an intriguing view through the crystals in the toy. It was always so interesting to see what happened to the view with just a slight twist of the tube. As an adult, it is difficult for me to remember often enough that I can make a slight adjustment to my own view, and I will have a significant adjustment in my mood.
Kaleidoscope:... a tube of mirrors containing loose coloured beads, pebbles, or other small coloured objects. the viewer looks in one end and light enters the other end, reflecting off the mirrors. arbitrary patterns show up as symmetric patterns due to the reflections of the mirrors".
This is life, it seems to me, built of arbitrary patterns that we work constantly to put into symmetric and orderly patterns. This is also how I experience mandala-making. Playing with colors, and shapes and symmetry and patterns, to create something that holds new meaning and depth.
I love the idea of this new project for my steps into spring and summer. A Mandala A Day can keep the blues away! As I juggle the challenges of work, and as I try to keep my anxiety at bay, I feel an immediate sense of calm at the mere idea of this project. As I sat down to do my first mandala, I felt calm and peaceful inside and quickly! All other thoughts and worries of life dissipated, and I melted into the moment. The notion of the Kaleidoscope came quickly, too. I have been trying to find a symmetry with all of the various pieces and responsibilities of my life -- often, they are like the loose, bold-colored pieces, tumbling around randomly in my head, and in my heart, without order. I have been searching for things that fill my heart, not with chaos, but with some symmetry. The simple choice and act of mkaing a mandala today led to this awareness, this way of finding peace, this way of making sense and order out of worry, anxiety, and responsibilities that weigh on me. The mandala-making project, I found out in short order, can be my new poetry. My new way of making sense of my life, of making meaning, of bringing depth to the dailiness of the loose pieces. The mandala is my way to wholeness, symmetry, order, peace, meaning - it's a relief, again, to find such a tool in this creative process we call life.
Kaleidoscope:... a tube of mirrors containing loose coloured beads, pebbles, or other small coloured objects. the viewer looks in one end and light enters the other end, reflecting off the mirrors. arbitrary patterns show up as symmetric patterns due to the reflections of the mirrors".
This is life, it seems to me, built of arbitrary patterns that we work constantly to put into symmetric and orderly patterns. This is also how I experience mandala-making. Playing with colors, and shapes and symmetry and patterns, to create something that holds new meaning and depth.
I love the idea of this new project for my steps into spring and summer. A Mandala A Day can keep the blues away! As I juggle the challenges of work, and as I try to keep my anxiety at bay, I feel an immediate sense of calm at the mere idea of this project. As I sat down to do my first mandala, I felt calm and peaceful inside and quickly! All other thoughts and worries of life dissipated, and I melted into the moment. The notion of the Kaleidoscope came quickly, too. I have been trying to find a symmetry with all of the various pieces and responsibilities of my life -- often, they are like the loose, bold-colored pieces, tumbling around randomly in my head, and in my heart, without order. I have been searching for things that fill my heart, not with chaos, but with some symmetry. The simple choice and act of mkaing a mandala today led to this awareness, this way of finding peace, this way of making sense and order out of worry, anxiety, and responsibilities that weigh on me. The mandala-making project, I found out in short order, can be my new poetry. My new way of making sense of my life, of making meaning, of bringing depth to the dailiness of the loose pieces. The mandala is my way to wholeness, symmetry, order, peace, meaning - it's a relief, again, to find such a tool in this creative process we call life.
Upcoming Workshop: Road to Revolutions
I am lucky to be joining forces with my friend, Laura LaBlanc at FullThought to offer a unique 4-session workshop on Women, Creativity and Leadership.
Will you will join us?
Click HERE for our flyer
Will you will join us?
Click HERE for our flyer
A Mandala A Day Project
While on my spring break/vacation, I had an idea. I bought some colored pencils and the textured water color paper I that like, and began what I'm calling "A Mandala A Day" project. Not for the outcome, or for an art gallery or showing any amount of artistic talent -- but for the sense of calm and peace the process and experience brings me. I ordered a few books about Mandalas and look forward to learning more about the world and healing nature of Mandala-making. I have needed something to attend to in my heart. I haven needed something to calm my mind. This is it. At one time in my life, in fact for a long period from age 13 - 38, it was my journal that held my heart. Then, for another long stretch, from age 31 - 41, it was poetry that steadily held my hand. Now, I believe, the mandala will be the bearer and witness to my healing process. This beautiful mandala in the photo here is not my doing - but I plan to use this blog as a way to document my Mandala A Day Project, and I will post photos of mandalas, as a brief journal entry about what the process evoked in me. I'm excited to have a container, both in this blog, as well as in my Mandala project -- a way to find and hold meaning as I walk through spring....
The beautiful mandala image on this post is from the following webiste:
I'm excited to spend time reading her blog, and all she knows and loves and creates in the world of mandalas.
The beautiful mandala image on this post is from the following webiste:
I'm excited to spend time reading her blog, and all she knows and loves and creates in the world of mandalas.
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